We will meet you precisely where you are. If you’re an early stage team with no recruiting function, we can embed into your team to handle sourcing, initial screens, interview coordination, feedback, and closing. If you have a recruiter but want to increase your candidate pipeline, contingency (fee-for-success) is most common. If you need a more targeted effort (expect vs. hope), container is a great option. And for a high-touch, committed search partner, retainer is standard.


Benefit: a full desk recruiter-on-demand that easily scales up and down

Fee: flat monthly rate of $10K - $15K

Guarantee: none

Payment: due on the 1st of each month


Benefit: success-based fee with no upfront cost

Fee: 25% of first year base salary

Guarantee: 90 day replacement

Payment: due 15 days from candidate’s start date


Benefit: we don’t share candidates sourced for you with any other client

Fee: 25% of first year base salary, spread across a deposit, metrics-based progress payment, and final true-up

Guarantee: 90 day replacement

Payment: due 15 days from candidate’s offer acceptance


Benefit: hire managers and directors with the highest quality process, usually reserved for VP and C-level searches

Fee: 30% of first year base salary, spread across a deposit, metrics-based progress payment, and final true-up

Guarantee: 90 day replacement

Payment: due 15 days from candidate’s offer acceptance